case study

Baby Gold

Our client is a family-owned company that proudly carries a heritage spanning over 50 years. Recently, our valued client expressed their dissatisfaction with their existing Help Desk, which was falling short of their expectations. In order to address this issue, we made it a priority to thoroughly comprehend their viewpoint and identify any areas that may have been lacking. In the end, we were able to help them migrate to a new Help Desk and the results were amazing!

Project Overview


  • The previous system was not user-friendly and did not meet the expectations of our customers.
  • The system functionality was not up to par, and our customers expected it to offer more capabilities than it actually did.
  • The reporting provided unclear information, which made it difficult for our customers to enhance their performance.
  • The routing system did not effectively connect the right contacts with the right people.


  • We significantly increased productivity by 95% in just 30 days!
  • We created a well-designed Help Desk that was set up correctly and efficiently from the start.
  • We revamped our Help Center and FAQs to provide the answers you need, reducing the number of tickets.

The Process

We assessed their existing Help Desk to determine if it was a good fit. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t! We took the time to understand their current systems, workflows, and processes and compared them to their ideal future state. We created workflow diagrams to visualize how work flowed within the team.

Our approach involved:

  1. Evaluation
  2. Demonstration
  3. Decision
  4. Implementation
  5. Evaluation


In September, we started preparing to transition the client to the new Help Desk. We decided not to make any additional changes that would impact the agents, as the new system would already bring enough change.

The biggest challenge was that the client had no clear requirements, so we had to provide examples of what could be. One pain point was reporting, so we developed a mock dashboard that sparked a meaningful conversation. Sometimes, you need to see what you don’t want to figure out what you do want.

Next, we compiled a list of requirements and used them to conduct a Request for Information (RFI) to engage vendors in the process. Ultimately, we selected two leading vendors who were provided with the client’s requirements for the demo.

During the demo, both vendors presented their solutions, and the one who truly met the client’s needs (instead of merely offering what they thought the client wanted) won the contract.

The Results

When we teamed up with the client, they were updating an average of 3,300 tickets per month while responding to customers. Additionally, the agents were successfully managing 275 tickets each per month. After the migration to the new system, which happened around the holidays, the volume nearly doubled from 3,289 to 6,433 tickets in just one month. As a result, each agent handled an average of 536 tickets per month, representing a whopping 95% increase in productivity.

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