case study


This client is a virtual healthcare company that provides targeted programs for the vulnerable patient population. They have two core teams. One is the clinical support team — they support internal members. Then, the patient support team, which supports customers. They turned to us to create efficiency in their tech stack, communications, and customer support.

Project Overview


  • Implement Zendesk from scratch
  • Communication between their 2 core teams was suffering
  • They were using outdated and insufficient tools(gmail and slack) for handling customer support requests
  • They did not have a phone support system


  • Effective Cross-functional communication
  • Faster ticket response times
  • Streamlined tech stack
  • New macros
  • Track Customer Satisfaction

The Process

Our client’s team was made up of experts who knew what they needed and had a great team to work with. They just needed help with planning and execution. We split up the project into phases and goals.

  1. Improving Cross-functional communication
  2. Implement a new instance of Zendesk
  3. Create a phone system for customer support

Our method for tackling any project is to first fully understand the needs of the team we are working with. We met with the client and their team to investigate the ways they work ‘today’ and analyze the level of effort it might take to implement their wish list. Each of our clients has a unique way of working, so we do not suggest a cookie cutter setup.

The Results

By the end of our time together, Freddie went from using gmail and slack to try and wrangle patient comms, to a full-fledged Zendesk instance complete with new macros, automations, and integrations. Paired with their new phone system, they noticed 20%–25% immediate improvement in agent response times. They reported being able ‘to provide more personalized and targeted support’ and have better communication between their two support teams. Their previous SLA was 2–3 days to answer a patient, and after the project in was down to 1–2 days.

A Word From Our Client
“Thanks to The Workforce Pro[now CX Collective], customer support is now better, faster, and more personalized. Response time improved — it went down from 2–3 days to 1–2 days. The team was well-organized and responsive. They delivered promptly and stood out for their committed service and support.”
Operations Manager,

Virtual Healthcare Company
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